Meet the Team!

  • William Campbell

    Senior Pastor

    William grew up just outside of Waco, where he met his wife of over 27 years, Lisa. God has blessed them with 3 wonderful kids: Daniel, Hannah, and Philip. After graduating with his Bachelor's in Music Education from the University of North Texas, he went to and graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master's in Religious Education. Since the age of 19, he has served in various ministry roles and has been blessed to be a part of some wonderful churches.  

    On Father's Day of 2005, he and his family joined FBC Port A where the Lord called him to serve as Pastor. It is here at FBC Port A that God has allowed them to be a part of a dynamic church that wants to impact its community and the world.  "We are not a perfect church, nor do we pretend to be one...but we worship a perfectly Real God who helps us in the real world." 

  • Thomas Wooldridge

    Associate & Youth Pastor

    Thomas has been working in recovery ministry in some capacity since 2010 and has lived in Port Aransas with his wife Jackie and youngest daughter Ashlyn since 2015.


    Thomas is dedicated to reaching and teaching the youth of our community with the truth and boldness of the gospel. He is passionate about making disciples and encouraging them to walk in their individual gifts that have been given to them by God through the Spirit in order to encourage diversity and equip the body. Thomas also uses his love and gift of music and music leadership to edify and support the church, not only on Sunday mornings but wherever the Lord allows.


    Thomas sees how all of these passions and desires work together to do one thing - bring glory to God by making disciples for His kingdom.

  • Alison Davis

    Administrative Assistant

    Alison and Tj found themselves walking into our church doors back in 2021. 

    joined the FBCPA staff as the administrative assistant in July of 2024. 

  • Elizabeth Canfield

    Tidal Wave Kids Director

    Elizabeth and Terry have been long-time members of FBC Port A and Elizabeth has been leading our Tidal Wave Kids for more than 4 years.  Elizabeth has a background in teaching and does an amazing job with our Children's Ministry.  Please contact the church office for any questions and/or information regarding our Children's Ministries.

  • Don Thrasher

    Small Group Facilitator  

    *Married 43 years; 2 daughters, 1 son, 4 grandchildren; 14+ years in PA; Retired after 28 years with Johnson and Johnson; Hobby: inshore and offshore fishing

    *Men’s Small Group: passion to see men grow in their walk with our Savior- to be transformed by Christ as we take to heart who we are in Christ

    Small Group Facilitator: facilitate FBCPA’s small groups where we walk along side of each other to grow in our love for Christ and each other

    *Elder: passion to see Jesus’ local church (FBCPA) proclaim the Gospel and make disciples

  • Barbara Thrasher

    Ladies Small Group  

    Women’s Sunday Morning Bible Study:

    We meet after church from 10:45-12:15 in the Women’s small group room.  We are currently studying "Radical Acts". This group is a great group of women who care for each other, and pray for each other.  


    Women’s Wednesday Night Bible Study:

    We meet from 6-7:30 p.m.   We meet at different member’s homes, and share some snacks together.  Then we have a worship time, where we sing Christian songs with You Tube.  We are currently studying "Daniel".  We also have an extended time of sharing and prayer at the end.  These women have a love and genuine care for each other.


    I have been married almost 43 years, have 3 married children, 4 grandchildren, and we have lived in Port A for 14 years.  I love the beach, swimming, reading, gardening, studying God’s Word, and teaching Bible studies.  I work as a real estate agent.

  • James Garrett

    Worship & Small Group

    James and his wife, Eleah, have led our worship for 2 years and have led a family small group at their house for over a year.  They have 2 boys and are very active in our church and in our community.

  • Mark & Karen Bentley

    Small Group & Tidal Wave Kids  

    Mark & Karen have been married 33 years next February.  We have 3 children and 6 grandchildren.   They live in Colorado, Arizona and North Texas.   We have lived in Port Aransas since Jan. 2017 and attended FBC  full time since then.

    We cook for Tidal Wave Kids on Wednesday nights and have an open home Bible Study on Monday nights at our home.  

  • Thomas & Jackie Wooldridge

    Worship & Recovery

    Shortly after getting sober in 2009  I felt a distinct call on my life to participate in ministry. My wife Jackie and I have been members of FBCPA for a year and have been able to start STEPS and Recovering Redemption Groups at the church.  Helping people break free from bondage and understand the love and grace of Christ is a sincere dream of mine. Helping the people of the Church see where we fall short and help place our focus on Christ and His redemptive power is what the Lord has been laying on my heart continually over the years.  We are blessed to be at a Church who allows this calling to become a ministry and be offered to our community.


    Along with this mission,  The Lord has been able to redemptively use my love of playing and writing music to lift up His Church.  I could never envision my life with out being able to write and play music, to do so on a regularly basis at the church is a blessing for me.  I am grateful to be a part of leading His people in worship.  My goal in this leading is to always point people to the truth and power of the Trinity.


Steve Reaves

Don Thrasher


Marty Karr

James Pate